For the final engagement between Kun-Yang and Pallabi, the schedule requires changing and thus they utilize KYL/D’s CHI Movement Arts Center for the first time. Both artists can feel a different reaction to the space, the need to reorient the self begins again.
This new sensation leads into a dialogue with Kun-Yang and Pallabi regarding how important the documentation process has been throughout this project. Pallabi and Kun-Yang review footage of previous encounters often, to see how their phrases have changed, to remember each action, and to reflect on changes they notice in themselves and other collaborators.
Where is my B-O-D-Y enabled Kun-Yang to investigate new documentation strategies—Throughout the 10 month-long process there were videographers on site to document each encounter. The collaborators do not mind the presence of the videographers, but are mindful of how the conversations captured can be very vulnerable and open. Pallabi and Kun-Yang both share joy in knowing that the project has been fully captured and can be looked at again at any time in the future.
Support for the research and development of WHERE IS MY B-O-D-Y has been provided by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage.